Capturing software builds with Docker

April 14, 2016


Anyone interested in learning about
1) using the container technology called Docker to capture software deployment for

2) how to update the HackerWithin Davis chapter website and use the fancy web framework Jekyll

Capturing software builds with Docker [Karen Ng]

As software gets more and more complicated nowadays, Docker provides safe encapsulated environments to capture the requirements, installation and deployment steps. Gone are the days when one has to spend hours to read through manuals and stack-overflow to build a piece of software, only to find the build broke other software on the machine. In this talk, I will explain how Docker works and why it is more lightweight than virtual machines. Then we will have some fun building and hacking the HackerWithin Davis chapter website using Docker. If we have time left during the hands-on session, we can also pull the Docker image of Hortonworks Data Platform to play with Hadoop or the Jupyter stack image to play with Spark notebooks.

Short bio

I am a Physics PhD final year student eager to learn about different data technologies. I have just completed two internships related to scalable data analytics. The first one was at the Lawrence Livermore National Lab., where I built an end-to-end data analytics pipeline with Spark and Hadoop. The second one was at the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (NERSC), where I worked on parallelizing the computation of an astrophysics project. I am looking for good data science career opportunities to utilize my analytics skills.


After installing Docker, you can test that it work by starting the Docker daemon.

For Linux users, executing: $ sudo docker -d & will start the Docker daemon in the background.

For Mac and Windows users, run the Docker daemon by looking for an application called Docker quickstart terminal and start it.

After the Docker daemon is up and running (in the quickstart terminal), execute:

$ docker pull karenyng/hackerwithin_dockerfile

To download the Docker file that we are going to use. (Linux users may need prepend sudo to the above command.)

Attendees should also be familiar with basic shell commands and a text editor on their laptops.


Lightning Talks

Please let us know if you’d like to give and informal 3-5 minute lightning talk. Post and issue or a pull request at:

Data Science in the Intensive Care Unit [Greg Rehm]

Greg Rehm is a UC Davis Computer Science Masters Student. He will talk about gathering patient data in hospital ICUs and what we can do with that data to improve quality of care.

Meeting Materials


