Fall '20 planning
Meeting Info
- Date: Sep 2, 2020
- Time: 12 pm
- Location: Jitsi
Fall ‘20 Planning
- How can we use the virtual format to our advantage?
- Code demos, collaborative hacking, etc.
- More emphasis on short talks (or just discussion topics) that don’t require much preparation on the part of the speaker
- Possible “anchor” for the semester: playing with data from UIUC’s COVID-19 Testing Dashboard
- less involved than last semester’s project, basically a fall-back hacking project when we don’t have other material to discuss
- data is exportable, and maybe we can scrape it?
- possible approaches: visualization, fitting, simulations
- General proposal: 1-2 discussion topics or lightning talks per meeting, then use rest of time for hacking (COVID data?).
- Switching to Zoom